April and May are the months when many crops are seeded or transplanted in preparation for the upcoming main season. There are also many crops on the verge of being ready for harvest. Take a walk with us through the fields to see what’s coming up.

Italian Parsely seedlings break up the brown soil with rows of green.

Nearby to the parsely are rows of Fennel, their wispy shoots reaching up toward the sky.

The lettuce crops have been bountiful this spring, and these rows of Green and Red Butter Lettuce are no exception.

A nice, healthy Basil plant just about ready for harvest.

We have three crops of Summer Squash all at various stages. The one pictured here is ready for harvest, so there’ll soon be squash for the shares.

Still small, these are one of the other crops of Summer Squash.

These French Breakfast Radishes are pushing their shoulders up out of the soil, letting us know it’s almost time to harvest them.

The Cucumbers are sizing up, while more blooms means the harvest will continue for a number of weeks.

Potatoes – little jewels of the earth – are just a couple of weeks away from being large enough to harvest.

Though potatoes are a root that grows in the ground, the plants also produce lovely blossoms.

A Broccoli head, peeking out from its nest of leaves, will be ready in about two weeks.

The first Golden Raspberries of the season, these are just a teaser since the rest of the berries are still very green – about three to four weeks away.

The Red Raspberry vines are loaded this year – all their blossoms have made the bees very happy.

While the raspberries are still weeks away, the Strawberries have been producing for about a month now. We had some initial difficulty with soft spots from the rains, but the plants are sizing up nicely and will be ready for our first U-pick on June 4th.

These young Santa Rosa plums will have turned purple and be ready for harvest by mid-June.

Tomato seedlings were transplanted before one of the recent rains. We dry-farm them, so their roots are following the water down into the soil, and their delicious fruit will be ready in about 3 months.

Pepper seedlings are sown at the same time as tomatoes. The first peppers will also be ready around the end of July or beginning of August.

The Apples are ready to be thinned (this cluster will be thinned to just 2 or 3 apples), which helps them reach a decent size. These Fujis won’t be ready until the end of Sept. or beginning of Oct.

Two days a week, after the harvesting is done, we set up in the barn to pack our CSA Shares full of the goodness the Farm provides.
Thank you for taking this walk with us. We hope to see you on the Farm this Saturday, May 7th for the Season Kick-off of our Farm Stand, and on Saturday, June 4th for our first Strawberry U-pick of the Season.