Summer is upon us, and crops like our dry-farmed tomatoes are on the verge of being ready for harvest. Check out all that is going on in the fields.

This dry-farmed tomato field is looking very different from when it had a cover crop in March (below).

The cover crop was tall enough to get lost in during our Sheep to Shawl Event. Hold that ice cream cone high!

The very first ripe dry-farmed tomatoes can be found hidden among the lower leaves and branches.

Most of the tomatoes are still green though, or just starting to turn red.

There is quite a difference between these March fields and the July ones, below.

The raspberries (on the left) are green again, and the cover crops are gone – replaced by summer squash, kale, leeks, and chard.

The chard in this week’s boxes is most likely from the rows in the foreground, while the leeks in the back rows will be in future boxes.

Dino Kale anyone? This crop is looking gorgeous!

Field of young summer squash.

View from within the raspberry rows. You can’t see them, but the bees are busy buzzing among the raspberry blossoms.

The raspberries are soooo gooooood!

And the blackberries are coming on strong, too.

Here’s Adrianna with just the start of today’s blackberry harvest.

These yellow peppers….

… and these poblano peppers …

… and all this basil, are loving the heat we’ve been getting so far this season. Everything is ripening about two weeks earlier than last season.

And we can’t forget about the cherry tomatoes. The first, small harvest is going to the Farmers Markets this week. They’ll be in the shares soon, too!

Nearly six hundred apple trees were grafted earlier this year. This one was grafted in February.

Now it’s leafing out, and will be producing apples in future seasons.

Here are some fujis ripening in a more mature orchard. They’ll be ready for harvest sometime in October.

Warren Pears, which will also be ready for harvest in October or November, can now be spotted on the trees.

The cover crops in the upper fields (where Tom and Elisa played back in April) are now gone, replaced with…

… this corn field.

And last but not least, blossoms can be spotted in our pumpkin patch. Is it too early to mention Halloween?