This is not your typical sweet corn — it will be somewhat starchier than the commercial sweet corn, but it is beautiful(!) and delicious, sez Tom, and can be prepared more or less the same as any other corn-on-the-cob. I didn’t get any “advance” of this corn so that I might “test” and give you recipes for it, but talked to Tom and here is what he suggests:
Mexican sweet corn
<> cutting the kernels off the cob and sauteeing with a little onion and other veggies, maybe a little sausage or meat of some sort
<> boiling on the cob, serving with butter and salt
<> grilling (either par-boiling first, then grilling directly to slightly brown the kernels, or peeling back the husks, removing the silk, rubbing with butter, seasonings and salt, fold the husks back over the cob and grill “in its jacket”)
He does not recommend eating it raw (the way you can with typical sweet corn), as this is when it is the starchiest. It should be cooked to bring out its sweetness. Also, the sooner you cook it, the sweeter it will be. So don’t store it for a week or two – eat it within a few days of getting your box.
Re: corn worms — Tom says there has been little sign of them, so we will be getting intact ears; they won’t have the tips cut off. Should you happen to get an ear with a worm, they’ll only be in the very tip of the cob, which you can easily cut off. I, for one, will have no problem if I should happen to receive corn with worm hitch-hikers, as I have three chickens who will gleefully relieve me of their presence! They will also have a heyday with the cobs after I’ve eaten off the kernels.