Dear LEFDP Supporters,

I have entered our organization in the Seeds of Change® Grant Program. Seeds of Change® is an organic food and seed company that is committed to helping organizations across the country create healthier, more sustainable communities. In support of their mission, they are giving community-based gardening and farming programs an opportunity to receive $200,000 in funding, distributed through $20,000, $10,000 and $1,000 grants. I would like to ask for your help in supporting our submission during the public voting phase of the process.

IMG_7325To enter, we submitted an application through where I explained how we would use the grant to achieve our organization’s goals of teaching awareness of where food comes from, the work and resources required to grow it, and the personal, environmental, and economic benefits of eating sustainably raised, local farm fresh produce. On April 9 at 12:00 p.m. EDT, the public begins voting for the applications that have been submitted. Each person has the opportunity to vote one time per day until April 20 at 12:00 p.m. EDT.

[button link=””]Vote Here[/button]
search “Discovery” to vote for LEFDP’s Discovery Garden

Around April 23, the top 50 applications that receive the most votes will move on to the final judging phase. Around May 5, Seeds of Change® will announce which school programs and which organization programs will each receive one of the two $20,000 grants, the five $10,000 grants or the ten $1,000 grants. Seventeen schools and 17 organizations will be chosen.

DSC_0966This is a great opportunity for our community to rally behind our program and I hope you’ll help me get the word out through our social media and communication channels to encourage votes for our organization! And please vote yourselves as many days as you can during the April 9-20 campaign.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Your fearless leader
Jessica Ridgeway

On facebook: LEFDP
On Twitter: @LEFDP
On Pinterest: LEFDP