We have an incredibly talented, dedicated, and hard working group of people who every day bring this farm alive and help us grow wonderful food. The dignity of farm labor is the key to having a healthy and thriving farm. We pay all our workers above the minimum wage and make every possible effort to offer year-round employment, based on year-round production and cash flow. None of our work is based on a piece rate (we pay at an hourly rate), our employees don’t scramble so fast that they risk permanent damage to their bodies in the rush to make a few more dollars a day. Given the diversity of crops and activities we have here, everyone enjoys a variety of tasks during a given week. Harvesting, weeding, pruning, planting, washing, packing, watering, plowing, delivering the produce as well as selling at farmers markets are some of the many activities that keeps the work very diverse. Working on a farm can be very strenuous, so it is important to also try to have a good time, and recognize the importance of good companionship and good humor. Finally, growing food for a known community of members is more rewarding, giving more importance and recognition to all the work performed here on the farm. Through your commitment as members in our CSA you directly participate in bettering the condition of our farm workers, and the responsibility of fairness and well-being is more integrated, not resting on just an individual small farmer.